Welcome to cosmicray’s documentation!


Develop a client for any http API and document its quirks and features

Cosmicray is a simple and high level http client API development framework. It provides the basic building blocks for defining enpoints, handling a request response and automatically converting the result into to Models.


  • Ease of use
  • Configureability and customization on every level
  • Namespace different backends (one client to rule them all)
  • Separate route definitions / response handling from models or “business logic”
  • Ability to validate requests before making them
  • Authenticate each request as needed
  • Ability to associate routes to models


Cosmicray is under development


$ pip install cosmicray

Quick start

Create App

>>> from cosmicray import Cosmicray
>>> api = Cosmicray('myapp', domain='http://mydomain.com')

Define routes and response handlers

Using the app we created, we can now add routes for it and define a response handler for each one. The response handler is simply a regular function that accepts a single argument of type requests.Response and returns the processed result.

>>> @api.route('/v1/dogs/{id}', ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'])
>>> def dogs(response):
...     return response.json()
  • The decorator api.route creates an instance of cosmicray.Route named dogs and stores the given function internally as the response handler.
  • Instances of cosmicray.Route are callable and accept parameters:
    • model_cls: Optional: Class that implements _make(cls, response) classmethod.
    • **kwargs: Keyword arguments.
      • urlargs: Mapping for url formatting arguments
      • headers: Mapping for headers
      • params: Mapping for query parameters
      • data, json, files: Request body
      • authenticator: Authenticator callback
      • &rest: Requests keyword arguments
  • When and instance of cosmicray.Route is called, it returns a Request object and with this you can:
    • Use functions defined for each http method (ex: get(), post(), put(), delete())
    • Override any parameters passed in (ex: params, headers, etc.) with setters
    • Automatically validates given parameters against the defined parameters on the Route
    • Authenticates the request, if the app was configured with an authenticator
    • After the response is handled by the response handler, the result is automatically mapped to the model class, if one was provided

How to make requests

>>> dogs().get()
>>> dogs(urlargs={id: 12345}).get()
>>> dogs(json={'name': 'Manu'}).post()
>>> dogs(urlargs={'id': 12345}, json={'age': 4}).put()
>>> dogs(urlargs={'id': 12345}).delete()

To specify request parameters

>>> dogs(params={'breed': 'husky'},
...      headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}).get()

Authenticating requests

Often you’ll need to authenticate requests to access private resource and Cosmicray has a built-in mechanism to perform this step.

>>> def authenticator(request):
...     if not request.is_request_for(login):
...         auth = login(json={'username': 'me', 'password': 'mysecret'}).post()
...         return request.set_headers({'X-AUTH-TOKEN': auth['token']})
...     return request
>>> @api.route('/oauth', ['POST'])
... def login(response):
...     """Get an auth token for the given credentials"""
...     return response.json()
>>> @api.route('/private/resource', ['GET'])
... def private_resource(response):
...     """Must be authenticated to access this"""
...     return response.json()
>>> api.configure(authenticator=authenticator)
>>> # Now the private resourse will be automatically updated to include auth headers
>>> private_resource.get()



  • Cosmicray ships with a built-in Model class
  • This base class is bound to a specific route handler and defines all the fields that would get mapped to a response or be part as the payload for post and put requests
  • It automatically uses its defined fields as url parameters and as request body
  • Provides functions to make http calls (ex: get, create, update, delete)
  • You can override default behavior, such as create/update paylods
>>> from cosmicray.model import Model
>>> class Dog(Model):
...     __route__ = dogs
...     __slots__ = [
...         'id',
...         'name',
...         'breed',
...         'age'
...     ]
>>> manu = Dog(name='Manu', age=4).create()
>>> manu.breed = 'Husky'
>>> manu.update()
>>> manu.delete()
>>> manu = Dog(id=12345).get()
>>> alldogs = Dog().get()

Relationships with other models/routes

>>> from cosmicray.model import relationhip, Model, ModelParam
>>> class Cat(cosmicray.model.Model):
...     __route__ = cats
...     __slots__ = [
...         'id',
...         'name',
...         'age'
...     ]
...     friends = relationhip('Friend', urlargs={'id': ModelParam('id')})

If you don’t want to use cosmicray.Model as your base, you can define your own OR even use just use collections.namedtuple as the model.

>>> class MyModel(object):
...     @classmethod
...     def _make(cls, response):
...         obj = cls()
...         ... do stuff with the response
...         return obj

Indices and tables